Morning Prayer Catholic Monday 12-2-2019

Morning Prayer Catholic Monday 12-2-2019

Morning Prayer Catholic Monday 12-2-2019

Morning Prayer Catholic Monday 12-2-2019

✝📕 MORNING PRAYER 🙏🏻 In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN. Lord God, today is another day in our lives, and You open it up with gentleness and simplicity for all of us. Thank You, God. Thank You for keeping us safe through the night, and for introducing us to a new light of day, where we should dwell and move. Provide for us, Lord, give us what we need today. Keep us under the shadow of Your wings safe and secured, and as we go out to face the challenges of the day, accompany us. Be with us today, O Lord. AMEN.


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