Prayers for the Church

Prayers for the Church

Pope Saint Leo the Great (Pont. 440-461)

Against Error

O God, you who have established the foundations of your Church upon the holy mountains: Grant that she may not be moved by any wiles of error which would fain compass her overthrow, nor may she be shaken by any earthly disquietude, but ever stand firmly upon the ordinances of the Apostles, and by their help, be kept in safety.

Against Worldliness

Grant to us, O Lord, not to mind earthly things, but rather to love heavenly things, that while all things around us pass away, we even now may hold fast those things which abide forever.

For Truth

O Lord: Give to your people, we pray you, the Spirit of Truth and of Peace, that they may know you with all their minds; and that, following with all their hearts after those things which are pleasing to you, they ever may possess the Gifts of your Bountiful Goodness.

For Divine Assistance

Protect, O Lord, those who cry to you for help. Uphold us in our weakness, and cleanse us from our earthliness: and, while we walk in this dying life amidst the shadows of death, quicken us with your Light. Vouchsafe in your mercy to deliver us from all evil, so that we may come to the perfection of all good at last.


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