Prayer to Mary for Holy Vocations

Prayer to Mary for Holy Vocations

Pope John Paul II

O Mary, Mother of God, Mother of the Church, in this hour so meaningful for us, we are one heart and one mind: as were Peter, the Apostles, the brethren, joined in prayer, with you, in the Cenac1e. We entrust to you our lives. To you we all, one and all, repeat, "totus tuus ego sum," that you may take up our consecration and unite it with that of Jesus and your own, as an oblation to God the Father, for the life of the world. We pray you to look upon the needs of your children, as you did at Cana, when you were touched to the heart by that family's situation. Today, the greatest need of this your family is for vocations: presbyteral, diaconal, religious and missionary.

So, reach with your "suppliant omnipotence" the hearts of many our brethren, that they may listen, understand, and respond to the voice of the Lord. Repeat to them, in the depths of their consciences, the invitation addressed to the servants at Cana: Do whatever Jesus tells you.

We shall be ministers of God and of the Church, vowed to evangelize, sanctify, nourish our brethren: teach us and give us the attitudes of the good shepherd; feed and give increase to our apostolic dedication; strengthen and ever regenerate our love for the suffering; enlighten and enliven our resolve toward virginity for the Kingdom of Heaven; infuse and keep us in the sense of fraternity and communion.

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