Prayer for the Church

Prayer for the Church

Pope Saint Gregory the Great (Pont. 590-604)

O God, the most gracious Maker and most merciful Redeemer of mankind, who, when man, by envy of the devil, was cast down from Eternal Life, did redeem him with the Blood of your only Son: Give life to your servants, whose death you in no wise desire; and as you did not leave them when they went astray, so do you receive them when they are brought back. Let the sorrowful sighings of your servants move your pity. Heal their wounds. Extend your saving hand to the prostrate, lest your Church should be despoiled of any portion of her body, lest your flock should suffer loss, lest those who were born again to the salutary waters should be possessed by the second death. Spare those who confess, that in this mortal life they may, by your help, so mourn over their sins, that in the day of dreadful Judgment they may escape the sentence of eternal damnation, and may know neither the terrors of the darkness nor the fury of the flame, and that, having returned from the path of error to the way of righteousness, they may be pierced with no more wounds, but may retain, in fullness and perpetually, both what your grace has vouchsafed and what your mercy has restored: Through the same Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, eternally. Amen.


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