Novena to the Holy Spirit

Novena to the Holy Spirit

"We ought to pray and invoke the Holy Spirit, for each one of us greatly needs His protection and His help. The more we are deficient in wisdom, weak in strength, borne down with trouble, prone to sin, so ought we the more to turn to Him who is the never-ceasing source of light, strength, consolation, and holiness. " - Pope Leo XIII (Pont. 1878-1903)

"The Holy Spirit was sent that He might continually sanctify the Church, and thus, all those who believe would have access through Christ in one Spirit to the Father. He is the Spirit of Life, a fountain of water springing up to life eternal. To those, dead in sin, the Father gives life through Him, until, in Christ, He brings to life their mortal bodies." - Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium

The Second Vatican Council (1962-1965)


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