Morning Prayer Catholic Friday 8-23-2019
Morning Prayer Catholic Friday 8-23-2019
✝📕 MORNING PRAYER 🙏🏻 In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN. Lord, God of light and clarity, I thank You for waking me up today, for Your protection and care while I sleep. Now, I am awake and the entire me is praising You as my Savior and God. Provide today, Lord, my bodily and spiritual needs. All of these come from You, the source of everything good, safe and meaningful. As we face the new challenges that will come our way today, we ask for Your grace for us to be strong and to endure these challenges victoriously. Be with us today, Lord! AMEN. https://www.christiancatholicmedia.com/blogs/morning-prayer-catholic