Morning Prayer Catholic Friday 10-25-2019
Morning Prayer Catholic Friday 10-25-2019
✝📕 MORNING PRAYER 🙏🏻 In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN. Father, God of new paths and new beginnings, I thank You with my whole heart for waking me up today. Please guide me along the road, knowing what to do, where to start and how to end my tasks, my plans and my opportunities. Defend me from the Accuser, the Devil who want to thwart Your plans for us by pointing at us as unworthy of You. Help us, Lord, to be faithful and to be authentic, children of God who have no other desire but to please the Father. Be with me today, Lord. AMEN. https://www.christiancatholicmedia.com/blogs/morning-prayer-catholic