Catholic Morning Prayer Monday 11-9-2020

Catholic Morning Prayer Monday 11-9-2020

Catholic Morning Prayer Monday 11-9-2020

Catholic Morning Prayer Monday 11-9-2020

✝📕 MORNING PRAYER 🙏🏻 In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN. Father, Lord of light and goodness, thank You for being with me in this hour and sustaining me by letting me live for another day, a day that is unto me to make it right and to use it for Your glory. Give me this day, Lord, my needs and all. Defend me from the threat of death and injury, from defamation and embarrasment. Protect also my loved ones here with me and abroad. Keep them safe in Your love. Be with me today, Lord. Let us go. AMEN.


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