Vatican Releases Free eBook for Getting Through Quarantine

Vatican Releases Free eBook for Getting Through Quarantine - Strong in the Face of Tribulation

Vatican Releases Free eBook for Getting Through Quarantine

Catholics around the world have been hit doubly hard by restrictions on public gatherings in the face of the coronavirus.

While these restrictions have prevented Catholics from attending mass in person, many religious leaders – including the Pope – are making efforts to make sermons and mass services available over the internet.

The most recent of these efforts on the part of the Vatican is a free 192-page eBook available now for free download or to view in-browser.

Strong in Tribulation

The eBook, titled “Strong in Tribulation” is composed of three main parts.

First, “The Prayers of the Church in Difficult Times: The Universality of Intercession,” is a collection of church documents including prayers and invocations. These span from the earliest days of the church to the recent prayers of Pope Francis in the wake of the Covid-19 crisis.

Second, “What if I Can’t Participate in the Sacraments? How to Receive the Grace of the Lord When Unable to Participate Physically in Liturgical Celebrations” is a collection of references including articles and indulgences and papal decrees prepared specifically for the Covid-19 crisis.

Third, “Pope Francis’s Words: Homilies, Angelus and Regina Coeli and Messages Beginning with 9 March 2020” are a collection of recent homilies and messages from the Holy Father.

The book also includes an introduction by the editors of the book, The Dicastery for Communication of the Holy See. It’s sort of like the Vatican’s own publishing house.

Using “Strong in Tribulation”

The variety of content included in “Strong in Tribulation” means that it’s not necessarily the sort of book that one simply reads from cover to cover. Some of the content, particularly in the first section and last section could be treated that way.

However, in many ways, the book is more of a reference work. Read the messages and prayers when you feel down and read the references when you miss church, etc.

On a related note, while “Strong in Tribulation” was compiled specifically for the Covid-19 crisis, it there’s no reason not to hold onto it after this passes.

Many of the prayers included in the book will be comforting long after Covid-19 if you can’t attend mass because of a regular illness or an injury. Many of the reflections will be comforting when faced with other fears or concerns.

Because of the age of many of the prayers and reflections, the eBook is also useful as a source book for prayers of the early church and its saints.

Looking Forward

“Strong in Tribulation” was epublished very recently. However, because it is an eBook, there is potential for digital updates to be made to it in the future.

While there haven’t been published plans to do this, it’s a common practice with eBooks, particularly considering the fact that none of us know how long Covid-19 will remain a concern.

Because the book is freely available, share the link above (or this whole article) with your loved ones and fellows in faith to promote the comforting works and prayers of Pope Francis in this troubling time.


Click Here to Download Free Vatican eBook: STRONG IN THE FACE OF TRIBULATION



Article written by Johnathan Jaehnig with Christian Catholic Media News

Jon Jaehnig is a professional freelance writer and journalist, specializing in technology and health. He is a practicing Catholic and active Knight of Columbus living in upper Michigan, USA.


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