Evening Prayer Catholic Sunday May 8, 2022
Evening Prayer Catholic Sunday May 8, 2022
✝📕 EVENING PRAYER 🙏🏻 In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN. Lord, I thank You for giving me this day as a day for me to grow in the faith. As the exercise and discipline of the faith take root, may it make in me a strong and firm soul of convictions and godly trust, unwavering through the many terrors that will fly in along the way. Forgive me, Lord, all my sins to You. Be patient with me, and I will glorify You by the kind of life that I will live for Your Name. As I sleep now, guard my soul, O Lord. AMEN. https://www.christiancatholicmedia.com/blogs/catholic-evening-prayer