Why You Need Religion
I don't need religion. I only need a relationship with Jesus. I am a Non-Denominational Christian.
Have you ever heard this?
First let's look at the definition of Religion according to the Merriam Dictionary:
"The service and worship of God or the supernatural."
When someone says they do not follow a religion, according to the actual definition, they are saying they do not service or worship God. I do not think this is their intention. They cannot redefine what religion means according to the english language.
Many were simply taught to not follow a religion, simply follow Jesus, which is what Religion means. It means to service and worship God. For many it is a way of hiding that they are protestant and do not want to admit it and that many of their beliefs come from men, the protestant reformers.
The bible says about religion in James 1:27 "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained by the world."
There is a good form of Religion as the Bible teaches here. We should not condemn religion as that would go against the scriptures. We must have a true undefiled religion, which consists of a relationship with Christ and caring for others, "Care for the orphans and widows in their affliction and keep oneself unstained by the world."
Second, let's look at “I am a Non-Denominational Christian.”
What does this mean? It only means they are protestant and follow most protestant theology.
What is a protestant? A protestant is one who follows the theology of men such as Martin Luther or one of the protestant reformers.
In short, Non-Denominational is a denomination in itself. The truest form of Christianity founded by Christ handed down for 2000 years is the Catholic Church.
Comment below and let us know if you are Catholic or Protestant and why. God bless.
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